Tag: competition

  • International Olympic Competition (for Kiosks)

    With a tip of the Hat to the inimitable BLDGBLOG, we’re delighted to inform you of an international competition to design service kiosks for the 2012 Olympics in London’s east end. Stratford, to be precise, at the end of the Jubilee Line. Yes, its a long way from here in New Zealand – but hey,…

  • Tee Free

    The results of the competition for the Outer Tee were announced today – this morning, over a very tasty breakfast, with most of the architectural and creative people in Wellington in attendance. The results are that 6 schemes were picked as first place, ie with ideas worth exploring and worth taking further. They are: Wellington’s…

  • More Queens Wharf

    Disappointed! We carefully picked a selection of the most outrageous entries that we thought Auckland might go for: the official choice of 5 contestants is out, and whaddya know – they didn’t agree with any of our choice! No giant Kiwi eggs! No rugby balls! No tacky stuff at all! But at least they have…

  • Blue Sky Competition

    Update: Due TODAY ! Don’t forget ! Entry details below. We’re delighted to be a conduit for you to find out more about the Competition for the Outer-T of Queens Wharf here in Wellington. It’s been noted before that it may be coming up, and here it is at last – Wellington Waterfront Ltd have…

  • A PLAY ON TIME – 20 under 40 design competition

    Click here or use page link at the top’o’the page

  • 2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom

    This looks rather cool – it’s an open design competition (you don’t even need to be a registered architect), run by Architecture for Humanity, in which you work as a partnership with a local school to develop a classroom design ‘for the future’. Architecture for Humanity is a “A volunteer non-profit organization set up to…