Blue Sky Competition

Update: Due TODAY ! Don’t forget ! Entry details below. We’re delighted to be a conduit for you to find out more about the Competition for the Outer-T of Queens Wharf here in Wellington. It’s been noted before that it may be coming up, and here it is at last – Wellington Waterfront Ltd have now formally announced the Ideas competition, to be known as BLUE-SKY the Outer-T.

“Your Idea for the heart of Wellington Waterfront”

It’s due by 5pm on 24 August (to Shed 6 on Queens Wharf), and should not exceed 2xA4 or 1xA3 in size. Don’t put your name on the actual entry – it is a completely ‘blind’ judging process. They are looking for ideas – through words, through photos, designs, drawings – any way that you can get your ideas across. They really are looking for a great selection of proposals – as wide ranging as possible, to inform the way forward for the city to celebrate the centrepiece of our world-class Waterfront promenade.

Judges include a fantastic range of people, including Her Worship the Mayor Kerry Prendergast, the head of Urban Design in Victoria Stuart Niven, Michael Cashin and Ian Pike from Wellington Waterfront, Di Buchan from the Civic Trust, Morrie Love as a cultural advisor, Alistair Cattanach as an Engineer, Mike Gould as an Architect, Fran Wilde from the Greater Wellington Regional Council, and Peter Biggs from Clemenger BBDO.

“The Competition is all about Concepts and ideas not expertise.”

Who can enter? Anyone. Everyone. Groups. Individuals. Young people. Old people. Small people. Tall people. You get the idea. Actually – if you HAVE the idea, then enter, and you may win.

Click here to download the Entry Form
Feel free to discuss matters here if you wish. Any questions?


12 responses to “Blue Sky Competition”

  1. How big is the site? Any dimensions?

  2. Hmmm, let me see. It’s described as 32m wide at the south end, and 42m wide at the north end.

    The southern arm is 101m long, and the north is 108m long. The area between is 25m across, and 72m long.

    So all up, total length is 234m, and includes the part leading back to the mainland. That’s quite a bit to play with.

  3. John B Avatar
    John B

    Do you have to keep the shed for the helicopters? And the Indoor Sports stuff?

  4. Alby 92 Avatar
    Alby 92

    There’s a half page advert in the Dominion today, entitled “Wharf set for Brainwave”.

    Goes on to say that “No idea is too big or too small, and no one should limit their vision”.

    Also that competition ideas must include protecting public access and the view out to the harbour.
    Doesn’t say anything about having to keep the Sports or the Helipro facilities. Presumably: consider them gone?

  5. richard Avatar

    so is the Arch Centre putting in an entry?

  6. Anyone is allowed to put in an entry – all our members, the public, everyone. If you’re keen on a group entry? – let us know !

    Ideas are the main thing at this stage…

  7. How about a passenger terminal for Cruise ships?

  8. Or a School of Music ?

  9. But then again I quite like the idea of a see-through (all glass) School of Dance

  10. And it would be a great place for a childrens crèche

  11. But I think it would be a terrible place for anything solid. It needs to be active. Light. Glassy. Transparent. It’s warm in the sun shine. Make the most of it. Make it a happening place for people.

  12. Actually it would be a great place for a swimming pool for the city bods who can’t get to Freyberg at lunchtime. Set flush in with the deck.

    Jimmy – he swims with the Fishes now

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