The Friday 26 August deadline for submissions to NZTA regarding the Wellington inner-city transport projects is getting closer.  We believe this is an important issue for everyone to give feedback on.  Option X will tunnel State Highway One under Memorial Park, providing a space which will respect our war dead, and allow reflection and commemoration.  This option will not cut up Memorial Park with three-lanes of traffic.

Option X has no flyover blocking the view along Kent and Cambridge Terraces.  It will provide more inner-city park space for the city, additional facilities for parents dropping school children off at the current area of Rugby St and Dufferin St, and dedicated public transport lanes.  New pedestrian and cycle routes, and the creation of Dufferin Park near Government House will mean that the Basin becomes a destination – not an island, and that a park will link Memorial Park, through the Basin to Government House and the townbelt.  Option X does all these things and also separates the State Highway traffic from local traffic, meeting a key NZTA objective.

Information about Option X can be found at:  Here is the Option X Electronic Submission Form.  You can fill this in on your computer.  You’ll need to save it and then email it to NZTA:

Information about the NZTA scheme can be found at:

Option X provides an alternative to the Basin proposal.  Don’t forget that NZTA also need feedback on the proposed second Mt Victoria tunnel, the widening of Ruahine St into the townbelt, and a pedestrian/cycle way from Cobham Drive to the Basin.  These are also important issues to give feedback on.  Please put in a submission on these issues so NZTA knows what you think.

… and an image of the pedestrian/cyclist landscaped-bridge:





12 responses to “Vote X”

  1. nice model. Do have any more photos of the pedestrian flyover?
    Can i assume the model doesn’t have the trench coming up before taranaki st?(ie in front of the carillion)

  2. christine Avatar

    Hi Colin
    the model does have the trench coming up before Taranaki St. It’s possible to trench it beyond Taranaki but this will cost more $ – in part because of the extra length – but also because of the large number of underground services along Taranaki.

  3. insider Avatar

    What are you going to do if Sussex St doesn’t work as you’ve designed it and needs extensive property purchases? Guy assured me four lanes will fit but he has yet to come up with the numbers…

  4. christine Avatar

    Hi Insider
    According to the NZTA documents, the distance between buildings on Sussex St is 17m. Each lane is 3.2m (x4=12.8m). Footpaths need to be 1.5m min. Total minimum is 15.8m. So yes it will be tight, and may need an easement negotiated – but no building demolition.

  5. insider Avatar

    Thanks Christine. What’s the minimum standard for bus lane width?

  6. laurent Avatar

    Option X is the best option for the safety of people and to save the friendliness of public space.

  7. When i get beaten up walking home through memorial park under an option X scenario due to no passive and natural surveillance would you still be promoting option X as the best option for safety?

  8. stephen Avatar

    just a few queries before i write my submission

    if the ramp into the trench from sussex st backs up into sussex st does that mean the only lane to cambridge tce is blocked?

    are cyclists going through peoples living rooms on sussex st?

    why is the pedestrian flyover designed for 60kph design speeds?

  9. christine Avatar

    Hi Insider. The WCC local roads standard lane is 3.2m

  10. christine Avatar

    Hi Rachel
    You are right. Natural surveillance is important. We are suggesting that the area between Tory St and Cambridge Tce be an active park, including an edge of small businesses, cafes etc. in order to attract people. This will complement the developments of eating places etc. which are beginning to emerge around the top of Tory St. We also think that the increased amenity of Option X will encourage the residential development around the Basin, building on the WCC’s Adelaide Rd Framework, to increase the numbers of people using and living in the area.

  11. I think the notion of a an active park is good, but can i rely on it being active at midnight when i am walking home from arch school? i would feel much safer and choose to walk through there if i knew that cars/taxis etc would be driving past.

  12. Take that park off Ghuznee st for example, i never walk through there at night!

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