A week after the earthquake in Canterbury the aftershocks are still continuing but the clean up is underway and demolition has already started with calls for less haste in the wielding of the wrecking ball and now the debate begins on how to rebuild the city.
Do you tear everything down and start again with a new style like Napier (although Napier suffered much more devastation than Christchurch)? What style? Do you rebuild everything to look just as it was, like the old town of Warsaw after WWII? Do you abandon the inner city and rebuild in the suburbs? Do you rush everything through the consent process just to get something, anything built before the Rugby World Cup (although this seems to be a short-sighted short term solution for a long term issue). How do you strike a balance between public nostalgia and developer economics? Are historic brick buildings the only ones with heritage value? What about the heritage value of more recent modern buildings? The decisions that are made now will have implications for the future of both city planning and individual buildings.
A group of architectural graduates are calling for ideas how the city could be rebuilt, with submissions accepted between Wednesday 15th September and Saturday 25th September:
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