Following the councils decision to ignore everyones advice except from those that agreed with them they have lost no time in commencing the change process in Manners Mall. New pedestrian calming measures have been introduced into the centre of the mall which also perform more than adequately as holding pens for paving contractors looking to gather up pavers from beneath the pedestrians feet and redistribute them to a place more deserving.
These new street installations also serve to squeeze the pedestrian flow into a space into which it seems less than comfortable, no longer able to promenade we are forced to engage with the edge of the arcade and to confront just how drab and uninspiring it really is. This was not part of the protests and resistance but maybe just maybe it should have been. Now the choice has to be regarding navigation of this edge where you have the opportunity to dally with the red eyed pale faced smokers outside the electronic video wonderland, marvel at the interpretation of middle eastern decoration at the kebab house or visually embrace with the diners at the McD’s amongst other delights. I just cant wait for the diesel smoke disgorging monsters to be added into the mix. The paradise that the council envisioned will surely then be complete.
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