Who needs futurists these days, when we can get our fix of sci-fi dystopian future apocalypse right now in the present… (click on the image for it all big and beautiful).
I have tweaked it a little, but the original image and more like it can be found here.
It is of course the Deepwater Horizon, the BP-managed oil rig responsible for the huge oil slick that now threatens the Gulf Coast (and we mustn’t forget that this is also a tragedy involving the loss of 11 lives). Apparently these are exclusive images from an unamed source, which show the catastrophe unfolding over a four-minute sequence, ending with the complete sinking of the entire rig…
Not much to do with architecture though, unless you want to dig deep for some industry-wide Tower of Babel type analogy. But, architects do tend to have a cyclical fascination with utopia and dystopia, and this particular image seems to represent certain movie-generated dystopias quite well, I think.
Hat tip to the DimPost for the above.
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