With the final unveiling of the winning solutions for the Outer Tee being announced next week, at a breakfast function on 4th November, it is time that we looked at what might actually be likely to win.
There were, sadly, not many really serious solutions. Lots of lovely stuff from the children of the city, which are great on visionary talent, but low on drawing capability, and if we take the childrens’ submissions and the results of our poll to the right, then we’d have to say: build a Roller Coaster, build a Ferris Wheel, and that by and large, Girls (and boys) Just Wanna Have Fun.
But on a more serious side, what really might be worthy of winning? My guess is that anything that builds a large structure in the middle of the viewshaft will not get through. The public has fought so long and hard for those viewshafts from the city to the sea, and WWL know better than to do away with them at this stage. So, good as it may be, this one here just ain’t going to get through:
and nor, thankfully, is this ugly monster:
Nor, I suspect, is this one going to get to the fore: while we all love Venice, a lone wharf on rotting stilts is not the place to start a medieval mudflat dwelling aristocracy. But nice try:
There are a couple here that look the same, with an identical Sketch-Up model of the city, and fine as they look I’m not really sure what the actual buildings do. The writing is too small to see:
But what about an underwater drinking den? A fantastic visual that shows at least someone took this competition seriously, although perhaps too seriously with a pint of scotch in one hand:
There is an Iconic Beacon that seems like it has had some hard work, although the writing is too small to read:
And a fantastic entry from someone keen on transporting a School of Hospitality there, even though I can’t really see why a class full of cooks need to hog the best view in Wellington as they’ll just have their heads in clouds of steam:
In a way, that has as much going for it as the hand-written entry from someone asking that it be set aside as a place for Tourists to sample NZ-made Fruit Juices, NZ-made Mineral Water, and sample NZ-made kiwifruit etc. Why don’t they just go to New World and buy some, like the rest of us?
No, in the end, I reckon it is going to be the Monster Mashup of all things known and wanted by humankind: this one here. Fantastic.
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