Category: Video of the Week
Video of the Week XIX: lunchtime!!
Despite its architectural intent this how to “Architect’s Fish and Chips” may put you off fish’n’chips forever – or perhaps gourmet cooking them…
Video of the Week XVII: heritage of course
A nice reminder of that there’s potential and merit in almost every architectural addition … or “repurposing” … Compelling juxtapositions and more!!
Video of the Week XVI: soothing cities
Apparently made only a couple of years ago this will take you back to the sixties visually and the 90s musically – with a slight fairground tinge. A soothing way to start the day and fail-stop way to probably design almost anything. If you open it up with several windows going at once the carousel…
Video of the Week XV: Arch School
If you’re a student, or a graduate, or even an architect, then this video is for you. We’ve spoken before about how the drive towards reality TV has banalised everything on the box, and seems to drive students to take a degree in forensics and crime scene investigating: I’m sure you realise that they’re really…
Video of the Week XIV: Free Avone
Here is a concept, as presented by Graffiti Research Lab, that I quite enjoy. Of course, it isn’t exactly original, and Wellington architecture has seen its fair share of projected imagery, from the poppies on parliament by our own RSA to body moving at Te Papa. Thus, I guess it must be the ever so slight frisson…
Video of the Week XIII: algorithmic architecture
Design for a hotel in Wellington, New Zealand using algorithmic architecture generated in Max Script, from 2007 by VUW student Daniel Davis… I’ll leave the commentary up to you this time…
Video of the Week XII: Poundbury: Building Communities
Here is a companion piece to the Prince Charles post of a couple of weeks ago (I hope it is clear by now that my Zaha comments were made with tongue embedded firmly in cheek…). Here, for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure perhaps?), is a very short clip propounding the virtues of Poundbury: What do…
Video of the Week XI: Libidinal Gehry confronts asexual Eisner
I’d like to say the title says it all, but the mental image is just too disturbing – and there isn’t really a whole lot of confronting going on. What we are exposed to here (if I can use that expression to open a discussion of sexuality), is an excellent piece of post-design rationalization from…
Video of the Week XI: Architecture & energy 1
Amid all of the hooha surrounding our Supreme Court – symbols of power, propaganda, and hair loss – we should take time out to step back and really consider the dome issue in a more holistic way. You see, as this remarkable little film sets out, there really are supernatural consequences of building domes, which have no doubt been…
Video of the Week X: The first World Dynamic Architecture in DuBai project
Rubik’s Cube anyone? It is a bit hard to really say much about this, except point out that it is serious – I’ll never scoff at another student project again… The overblown rhetoric implied in the opening musical score ‘borrowed’ from 2001: A Space Odyssey is truly fantastic – like the mysterious black monolith that appears in the film…