Wine and Architecture
These are more closely related than you might think. Come along to the School of Architecture in Vivian St, and experience both the wine of Spain and the architecture. 5.30 drinks (hopefully better than our usual), 6.15 lecture
Arquitectura Sin Papel
Architecture without Paper – an exhibition from 15 young Spanish architects, previously exhibited at the Venice Bienalle – available for viewing every day during working hours at the School of Architecture, Vivian St, Wellington
Re:Housing Practice
Three Wellington based NZIA practices talk about their work from the 2009 NZIA Awards. Jasmax, Novac & Middleton, Athfield Architects. 5.30 Drinks, 6.15 Talk, School of Architecture, Victoria Uni
International Olympic Competition (for Kiosks)
With a tip of the Hat to the inimitable BLDGBLOG, we’re delighted to inform you of an international competition to design service kiosks for the 2012 Olympics in London’s east end. Stratford, to be precise, at the end of the Jubilee Line. Yes, its a long way from here in New Zealand – but hey,…
Talk 20: New Zealand Resilience
July 29 at the School of Architecture – Several perspectives on resilience, panellists to present examples in their field with a roundtable discussion to follow. 5.30 drinks and 6.00pm talk
Friday 13 August Barbara Webster, Gina Jones, Tommy Honey & Karl du Fresne Debate: ARCHITETURE IS THE MOTHER OF ALL ARTS at Greytown Town Hall, Greytown At each venue, doors will open at 5.30 for a complimentary glass of wine and nibbles with the talks beginning at 6.15pm. The cost for each talk is $25…
Stuart Gardyne, Chris Kelly, Evzen Novak – Featherston
Friday 30 July Stuart Gardyne, Chris Kelly, Evzen Novak CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE at Anzac Hall, Featherston At each venue, doors will open at 5.30 for a complimentary glass of wine and nibbles with the talks beginning at 6.15pm. The cost for each talk is $25 per person or $100 for all five events. Tickets from Aratoi…
Dean Whiting on Maori Architecture – Carterton
Friday 16 July Dean Whiting MAORI ARCHITCTURE, ART & HERITAGE at Wai Art Centre, Holloway Street, Carterton At each venue, doors will open at 5.30 for a complimentary glass of wine and nibbles with the talks beginning at 6.15pm. The cost for each talk is $25 per person or $100 for all five events. Tickets…
Performance Architecture – design or default?
Downstage in association with Toi Whakaraari Invite you to a special event: Performance Architecture – design or default? Jean–Guy LeCat is a world authority on theatre design and performance architecture having made his name creating spaces for Peter Brook for over 30 years. He is here in Wellington and will be giving a lecture at…