Performance Architecture – design or default?

Jean-Guy Lecat

Downstage in association with Toi Whakaraari
Invite you  to a special event:

Performance Architecture – design or default?

JeanGuy LeCat is a world authority on theatre design and performance architecture having made his name creating spaces for Peter Brook for over 30 years.

He is here in Wellington and will be giving a lecture at The Hannah Playhouse on Thursday 22 July from 4-6pm.

The Hannah Playhouse was built for Downstage in 1973, at a time where Courtenay Place nightlife consisted of a few coffee shops. In 2010 we are dealing with a very different social and cultural landscape, and a level of performance innovation that demands a multi-purpose highly functioning theatre space. Find out whatJeanGuy thinks about the Hannah.

This event is free and bookings are essential.

To book tickets contact the Downstage box office direct on 801 6946 or

Tickets will be allocated on a first in first served basis.


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