Wistful windy thinking

Wet, windy, and wild weather.  Perhaps the only options are indoors, heat and comfort food.  But no  – there’s wacky architecture as well.  Yes we all know about the bizarre things architects do with wind turbines – but if not here’s a few …

Starting off is Michael Jantzen’s “Wind Shaped Pavilion” above.  Yep pretty tame – but wait there’s more in this spot-the-wind turbine game.  What about Chad Oppenheim’s COR Miami …

or Aeroenvironment’s modular wind turbines (I think of them as stationery handgliders!) able to “embellish” (à la clamp onto) any severe skyline … and waiting to star in a horror film I bet!

Bridges are also not immune from wind-powered sustainability.  Here’s more from Michael Jantzen – wind tunnel footbridge, which looks like a food processor … or a at least a mincer … (okay enough of the horror movie references!)

One suspects that this sort of thinking has also given the world the wind turbine retro-fitted to replace motorway signage … apparently from students (doing all nights and playing with instant cake mix no doubt) …

or this domestic wind accessory … No comment!

For the more poetic, there’s “Le Wind” tower … or Lars Spuybroek and Edwin van der Heid’s “Whispering Garden

or even Chetwoods “wind dam” which apparently is to be built at Lake Lagoda in Russia.

Of course the bewildering thing is that all these wild windy weather wonderings are happily situated in fair weather settings, with seemingly not a wisp of wind among them.  Happy windy, wet, and wintery Wellington everyone …


One response to “Wistful windy thinking”

  1. ooh-lala – there’s some eye candy… Someday these devices might even be effective enough to recoup the energy that is invested in actually producing and installing them…

    Ps – don’t get all s59 on me…


    …I took my little off-sider out to the end of the airport runway yesterday, to watch the crashing waves and catch a few megawatts of Wellington breeze for his little edification – twas all I could do to hold onto ‘im though…

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