Kibirnie Plan

In conjunction with plans for the indoor sports stadium on Cobham Drive (not that this is mentioned in any of the council documents) Kilbirnie town is to become a bit more of  a town.

In the usual fashion the Council plans for infrastructure have no ambition for sending light rail through to the airport; indeed it is clear that the ‘Transit’ route on Cobham Drive to the airport is snipped out of the zone for consultation.

The architecture of Kilbirnie, if it can be said to have any, is lack lustre, and if you haven’t noticed, the Airport Retail Centre in Lyall Bay is booming, dragging plenty of our consuming citizens out east. The social and community space of your average big-box development is pretty awful, and the only thing that redeems the Lyal Bay one is the beach, where people go to walk their dogs. The counsultation process associated with the proposed development is a good opportunity for the Architecture Centre to exert some town planning ambitions. If you would like to forward us ideas just send an email through.

Public consultation sessions will be held at Kilbirnie / Lyall Bay Community Centre in Bay Road :

Thursday 4 June (1.00pm – 4.00pm)

Saturday 6 June (10.00am – 2.00pm)

Tuesday 9 June (5.00pm – 8.00pm)

If you want to submit independent feedback this needs to be returned to the council via Freepost 2199, Kilbirnie Town Centre Plan, Wellington by Monday 15 June 2009. Or use this online form.


3 responses to “Heading out east?”

  1. In conjunction with…!?

    Surely the Indoor Sport Centre is too far away to be considered part of the town centre development (and probably having a negative effect to boot)…? I’d suggest that they have kept the two projects conceptually apart so as this does not have to be admitted…

  2. It’s a good question though: what Can be done to invigorate Kilbirnie? The one apartment building there is not a great success architecturally and is not really a great role model to K town to follow. Is K better to stay small or to try to grow tall ? How can we make it a “Special K”?

  3. jayseatee Avatar

    Guy- “Special K” is a nickname for the horse tranquiliser/recreational drug ketamine – a “dissociative anasthesia”. It impairs all senses, especially: Sight, Balance, Sense of time.
    I don’t think Kilbirnie needs any more sensory impairment.

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