RMA changes…

The link to the SST article that discusses the proposed RMA changes is not operating at the moment, but I did manage to find this from David Farrar at Kiwiblog:

RMA changes look positive

February 1st, 2009 at 10:00 am

The SST reports on likely changes to the RMA. They are:

  • enable local councils to make planning changes more quickly (currently takes six years on average)
  • prevent companies using the law to stymie competition from rival firms
  • no change to the environmental purposes of the act
  • major projects could now be heard by a board of inquiry headed by an Environment Court judge or a retired judge
  • local bodies could nominate people also to serve on the board
  • limit the number of appeals that go further up the track
  • increase the power of the courts to be able to ping players that have abused the RMA process
  • maximum fine for breaches of RMA to increase from $200,000 to several million probably

In summary it is not about changing what projects get consent, just about speeding up the process which is insanely long at the moment.

What say you?



3 responses to “RMA changes…”

  1. The general population has barely enough facilities for their voice to be heard at present: anything that reduces the effectiveness of that voice should be opposed. That aside, I’m cautiously pleased with what is written here, although really want to see the effect on local District Plans.

  2. Here’s the NBR one which seems more explicit re: the details. It seems to be aimed at more precise definitions re: “environment” and iwi consulatation, as well as complaint procedures for conuncil deemed to have poor consenting processes. I agree with you Guy that any reduction of the public’s ability to raise issues is a problem. It appears that what objections that can be raised will become more limited and restricted


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