Tag: RMA

  • So what are NZTA’s option now?

    The recent High Court decision (NZTA v Architectural Centre Inc & Ors) appears to have put an end to the flyover in the short term … but what are NZTA’s options now for the Basin Reserve? 1. Seek leave to the Supreme Court to appeal the High Court decision Following the High Court decision (21…

  • Poor process or RMA problems?

      Last Sunday (12th October) John Key announced that the Housing Accords legislation would be incorporated into the Resource Management Act (RMA), and that the Basin Board of Inquiry was evidence of a need to combine sections 6 and 7, and include a reference to “infrastructure” in this new section in an amended RMA.

  • RMA submissions – due today

    Submissions on the RMA Streamlining Bill is due today. I’ll refrain from comments about politics and streamlining – or streamlining and design – you can check out Christina Cogdell’s Eugenic Design for that one. But the Bill proposed raises important issues about how the public might be included or excluded from the RMA process. The…

  • Urban petitions (or the things we care about)…

    Yay for participatory democracy… Obviously, the demise of our green recycling bins matter, with almost 10 000 signatures already on the Council hosted ePetition (how ick is that particular moniker?), which doesn’t close until May 13. This was one issue that spread like a virus through the pc’s of most Wellingtonians some weeks ago. I am…

  • RMA changes…

    The link to the SST article that discusses the proposed RMA changes is not operating at the moment, but I did manage to find this from David Farrar at Kiwiblog: RMA changes look positive February 1st, 2009 at 10:00 am The SST reports on likely changes to the RMA. They are: enable local councils to make planning…