Tag: Guardian

  • C21st hitching posts

                  In the last week or so, shiny, colourful and new street accessories have been appearing on the streets of Wellington.

  • a smugly hermetic milieu…?

    A most intriguing and bizarre diatribe has appeared in the English newspaper The Guardian, normally a paper known for its careful and thoughtful dissection of architectural themes and discussions. Yesterday, however, it printed a page or two out of a book by Jonathan Meades, now available to buy: “Museum without Walls”. I’m not that keen…

  • architectural ABCs

    Recently the Guardian reported on the idea of introducing architectural education at schools.

  • Architect job losses soar as crunch hits construction

    Architects are joining the ranks of benefit claimants at a faster rate than any other profession, according to a Guardian analysis of figures for the last 12 months…. full article here Scary stuff for our UK colleagues – I am sure many of us know people affected by this crisis…? Any live reports from the frontbreadline? …