Tag: climate change
Review: Ultrawild
What: Ultrawild – An audacious plan to rewild every city on Earth. Who: Stephen Mushin Industrial Designer (graduated from RMIT c. 2002) Lives between Wellington and Australia and the rest of the world. (Is it a co-incidence that in Japanese “Mushin” means “when a person’s mind is free from thoughts of anger, fear, or ego…
Using school to give kids driving licences is a good idea – Really?
On Saturday morning (7 November 2015) on The Nation, Grant Roberton (MP for Wellington Central and Opposition Finance Spokesperson), announced “we’re seriously looking at the idea that the curriculum needs to include driver licensing.”
Peak Oil, Peak Car, and Resilient Cities…
Sure it was ‘only’ an aspirational vision, but way back in 2007, there was this idea that we might become the first carbon neutral capital in the world – big promises to be sure, but just how are we doing…
Defensive architecture: post-insurance building
# CommentConventionally defensive architecture might conjure images of castles, trench warfare and maybe even prisons. I’m interested in a more futuristic viewpoint.
What are they thinking?
# CommentThe news that the National Party are putting their hopes in fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) as NZ’s export future seems daft.
Riding on Air
# RANTINGI’ve never understood why so many buses are air-conditioned, especially in this rather temperate country of ours. The commuter buses it seems a no brainer – openable windows and customers dressed for outside conditions must be a winning formula. On long trips – there’s nothing quite as pleasant as sitting next to an open window…