Tag: apple

  • Apple strudel

    A small post, updating the one we posted last year – Apple have just unveiled the revised glass cube on 5th Avenue, the world’s most prolific retail spot. The architecture, such as it is, has been reduced even further: from 90 panes of glass down to just 15, or so we are told. As the…

  • Postcard from New York

    Tonight, coming at you Live and Direct from New York City, the greatest city in the World…  Yes, there are other great cities apart from Wellington, and it’s interesting to compare how the original Gotham city stacks up to our own mini-Manhatten.

  • Pared to the core – Local Body Councils on a Hiding to nothing

    First they let him loose on the dance floor, then Super-Auckland, and now the rest of us – does this man know no humility…? Rodney Hide is set to Tango all over Local Body law in order to reduce them to core services – such as public health and safety, and rubbish collection. Here is…