Category: Transport
Poor process or RMA problems?
Last Sunday (12th October) John Key announced that the Housing Accords legislation would be incorporated into the Resource Management Act (RMA), and that the Basin Board of Inquiry was evidence of a need to combine sections 6 and 7, and include a reference to “infrastructure” in this new section in an amended RMA.
Dealing with Wgtn traffic on a wing and a prayer
I’ve been re-thinking. What if, concerning the whole Basin/Option X thing, we went right back to the fundamentals of the situation and began from there? Forget flyovers and tunnels, Options A, B, X, X+, and KY(!); forget Sussex Street, Memorial Park, and even the Basin itself. What are the fundamental issues?
Basin voting
Well, the Council have voted on the city’s official position with respect to central government’s proposed traffic improvements near the Basin Reserve.
Are Auckland Learning From Us?
With the launch of the Centre City Plan discussion document, has Auckland shown that it is more prepared than Wellington to put in place some realistic 21st Century, urban design thinking?
Local insight toward a refined proposal
So says Rod James, of the 1900 or so submissions received by NZTA on their recently closed public consultation on the preferred options for roading improvements near the Basin Reserve
It actually could be worse
I just discovered this, and thought I’d share it with you all, as it is a topical image for today – the last day of submissions on NZTA’s proposals for transport improvements near the basin Reserve.
Lessons from Bris-Vegas
Visiting Brisbane amid the excitement of the Basin discussions, I was expecting to see a city-sized example of the worst in traffic design. To my surprise
Overpass: Dream or reality?
I love a beautiful and well considered bridge! Indeed, the designers amongst us imagine them as streamlined and un-cluttered, perhaps with translucent edge zones, no barriers or signs, no streetlights, slender support structures that simply branch out of the ground…
Peak Oil, Peak Car, and Resilient Cities…
Sure it was ‘only’ an aspirational vision, but way back in 2007, there was this idea that we might become the first carbon neutral capital in the world – big promises to be sure, but just how are we doing…