• WGTN 2040

    The Wellington City Council has at last started the process of telling you about WGTN 2040, the proposed Vision for the future – 29 years in the future to be exact. It has been a long time coming – a couple of years at least, but this is one of the most important consultations that…

  • Wellington Symposium

      WELLINGTON SYMPOSIUM – 60 CPD Points WHAT IS THE FUTURE? WHAT IS THE VISION FOR THE CENTRAL CITY?   Can Wellington maintain its sense of place? Events have overtaken Wellington, there is a major focus on Auckland with its new governance structure and Christchurch with its massive rebuilding programme. Coupled with this, the Deputy…

  • NZIA – Adaption and Regeneration

    This week, NZIA has its CPD mini-conference in Auckland, and announces / awards New Zealand architecture awards. The theme for the 2011 CPD Days is ADAPTATION AND REGENERATION Architects aspire not just to design buildings, but to influence the design of the urban environment. Cities are increasingly complex and city-making is increasingly sophisticated. How should…

  • Site Visit: Willis Central

    a chance to see behind the new facade on willis street, with architecture+.  bring your own safety gear – hard shoes, hard hat & high visibility vest.  note: anyone without safety gear will not be permitted on site.  meet at the boulcott street entrance. limited to 20 people (must be current Arch Centre members). reply…

  • FirstLight House flying up on Frank Kitts Park

    For those of you who have been asleep under a rock for a while, you may not have heard about the Meridian Firstlight House that is being assembled on Frank Kitts Park this week. If you’ve managed to escape the

  • Arch Centre AGM 2011

    School of Architecture, 5.30 drinks and nibbles, 6.00pm AGM with special guest speaker – Christchurch architect Peter Beavan

  • Human Casualties in Earthquakes: Modelling and Mitigation

    Professor Robin Spence, Emeritus Professor of Architectural Engineering at Cambridge, will be presenting a talk on Disaster risk assessment – at the School of Architecture, 6.00pm on Tuesday 19th April 2011. (pre-talk drinks at 5.30). This is an IPENZ Wellington event – so expect lots of Engineers – but architects and students welcome too.

  • Empire’s Last Style

    On the 8th of April, ie this Friday, Vladimir Belogolovsky will be talking on the architecture of the Soviet Union. A must see for all! Starts 6.00pm LT1, School of Architecture / NZIA event.

  • Site Visit: Indoor Sports Stadium

    A rare chance to see the inside of Wellington’s Indoor Sports Stadium, with the architect. Bring your own PPE gear – ie hard hat, steelcapped boots, HiVis jacket.  Strictly limited to 40 people – must be current Arch Centre members. Reply to our Email to get your name onto the list.

  • Futuna – kick off: to the Future

    FUTUNA – TO THE FUTURE – 10 CPD Points Presentation on the work of the Trust in the saving of the Chapel, planning for restoration works for a Heritage listed building, preparation and process of Resource Consent and Building Consent documentation, programming of building works, recording of the restoration works, review of recently completed restoration…