WGTN 2040

The Wellington City Council has at last started the process of telling you about WGTN 2040, the proposed Vision for the future – 29 years in the future to be exact.

It has been a long time coming – a couple of years at least, but this is one of the most important consultations that the Council has ever asked the Wellington public for their opinion on. We would encourage all Wellingtonians to have some input on this – and we would also like to hear members views, so that we can also table a submission from the Architectural Centre. Feel free to email us at arch @ architecture . org . nz as always if you are keen to be part of the submission.

We’ve got a copy of the full 2040 document – there is no sign of the extensive work that Arch Centre submitted to the Council in 2009, but there is a pleasantly surprising amount of other good ideas inside the report from the consultants concerned who have “whipped up” this report. We posted a Freakin’ Fantastic post on what we had heard first – and at this point we think there’s some good stuff in it.

In the mean time, until you get your official mail out, there is the WGTN 2040 website where you can click and play some cute little unfolding videos, as well as two container exhibitions positioned around town – one in Te Aro Park, and one down on the Waterfront near the Wharewaka.

We’ll keep you updated and look forward to your comments.


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