BRANZ Earthquake Fire Protection seminar 1-4pm
Amora Hotel, 170 Wakefield Street Central city, Wellington Presenters: Greg Baker Fire and Structural Engineering Manager BRANZ Peter Collier Senior Fire Engineer BRANZ Dr Anthony Abu NZ Fire Service Commission Lecturer in Fire Engineering at the University of Canterbury Charles Fleischmann Associate Professor at the University of Canterbury Brent Houston Consultant Cost NZIA Member: $87.00…
Designing Comfortable Homes 1-5pm VUW Arch School
Cement and Concrete Association of New Zealand Where: Victoria University of Wellington, School of Architecture, 139 Vivian Street, Wellington Presenters: Ralf Kessel, Registered European Architect, Project Manager for Cement & Concrete Association of New Zealand (CCANZ) Dr. Larry Bellamy, Civil Engineer Associate Professor at RMIT University, Melbourne. Research specialties include thermal performance of buildings. Roger…
HOME: Lecture by Brian MacKay Lyons – 6pm VUW Student Union
Brian MacKay-Lyons is a sheep farmer and sea kayaker who also happens to be a world-renowned architect. Born and raised in Arcadia, Nova Scotia, Brian studied in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He has worked and studied in China, Japan and Italy, returning to Nova Scotia in…
Russell Walden’s “Triumphs of Change”
INVITATION TO BOOK LAUNCH. Triumphs of Change: architecture reconsidered School of Architecture, Vivian Street @ 4.30pm, Friday 16th December. Launch by Professor Michael OSTWALD, Dean of Architecture, NEWCASTLE University, Australia.
Russell Walden: Triumphs of Change (book launch)
INVITATION TO BOOK LAUNCH. Triumphs of Change: architecture reconsidered School of Architecture, Vivian Street @ 4.30pm, Friday 16th December. Launch by Professor Michael OSTWALD, Dean of Architecture, NEWCASTLE University, Australia. Caroline Schopfer, book editor from Peter Lang AG, Bern, Switzerland will also be present. Book will be on sale discounted 30% for the…
The Art of the Contemporary House (De Jersey Clere, Concrete, and Humbug)
The Architectural Centre is proud to present a triple-bill lecture, featuring three respected local architects, Sam Kebbell, Judi Keith-Brown, and Simon Twose, reflecting on their recent domestic projects. Conceptual and literal landscapes, the relationship between art and architecture, and contemporary interventions to heritage buildings are just some of the topics that might be evoked during the discussion.…
How much does your building weigh…?
# FilmThere is a film on tonight at the Paramount, and repeated on Saturday morning, called: How much does your building weigh, Mr Foster. We haven’t seen it yet as it is part of the International Film Festival on at present in the
The Urban Dream Brokerage
# LectureFriday 29th July, 6pm Illot Theatre, Wellington Town Hall Three property owners and managers, four artists and an engaged audience are coming together to discuss the question: how can vacant commercial space be more creatively utilised to provide a more vital inner-city?
The Urban Dream Brokerage
Illot Theatre, Wellington Town Hall Friday 29th July, 6pm Three property owners and managers, four artists and an engaged audience are coming together to discuss the question: how can vacant commercial space be more creatively utilised to provide a more vital inner-city? You’re invited to attend The Urban Dream Brokerage, a live art…
Hannah France, Japan, and 65 years Old!
School of Architecture – come join us celebrate 65 years, and a lecture by our Japan travel award student Hannah France, who will be talking about her trip to the forgotten corners of Japan. We’ll also be talking about teh Basin, and celebrating the 65th birthday of Arch Centre