The Urban Dream Brokerage

Friday 29th July, 6pm

Illot Theatre, Wellington Town Hall


Three property owners and managers, four artists and an engaged audience are coming together to discuss the question: how can vacant commercial space be more creatively utilised to provide a more vital inner-city?  

You’re invited to attend The Urban Dream Brokerage, a live art and property panel pitching session. In a live local twist on reality TV formats like Dragon’s Den, artists and then property developers and owners pitch their creative ideas for city vacant spaces to a panel of their opposite. Walking down the city street, what does your dream realty look like?

The event is being sponsored by Wellington City Council who, together with Letting Space share an interest in how artists can contribute to creating a more dynamic future city. The Brokerage is part of the council’s public engagement period for Toward 2040: A Smart Green Wellington. Toward 2040 details what Wellington City Council think Wellington needs to do as a city, to make sure it continues to thrive in a rapidly changing local and global environment.


For more information see:


One response to “The Urban Dream Brokerage”

  1. Stephen Avatar

    Seems like a good idea provided the Council does not subsidise, contribute towards rents, or rates reductions etc.

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