Category: Basin Reserve issues
The Public needs a real choice: Option X
The NZTA have proposed options for redeveloping the roading of the Basin Reserve. But these are not really options.
Overpass: Dream or reality?
I love a beautiful and well considered bridge! Indeed, the designers amongst us imagine them as streamlined and un-cluttered, perhaps with translucent edge zones, no barriers or signs, no streetlights, slender support structures that simply branch out of the ground…
Hannah France, Japan, and 65 years Old!
School of Architecture – come join us celebrate 65 years, and a lecture by our Japan travel award student Hannah France, who will be talking about her trip to the forgotten corners of Japan. We’ll also be talking about teh Basin, and celebrating the 65th birthday of Arch Centre
The Public needs a real choice: Option X
The NZTA have proposed options for redeveloping the roading of the Basin Reserve. But these are not really options.
Does the NZTA scheme measure up?
We’ve already begun discussing issues relevant to the Basin, particularly through blog posts …
What About Light Rail?
I lived in Szczecin, Poland, until I was 14. I had family in other large centers in Poland. All those cities had something in common—extensive and very well utilised light rail networks.
Peak Oil, Peak Car, and Resilient Cities…
Sure it was ‘only’ an aspirational vision, but way back in 2007, there was this idea that we might become the first carbon neutral capital in the world – big promises to be sure, but just how are we doing…
Basin Checklist
We’re keen to evaluate the Basin Reserve, and have produced a Check List of items that we believe it needs to be evaluated against – as should any other possible Basin scheme as well. We’ll be posting a critique of the official NZTA proposals next week – but first,
Traffic Congestion, Part 1: why are the DomPost being such d1cks?
I’m sorry for the slightly profane character of the title to this post, but really, the Dominion Post editorial: Time for roading talk to go up a gear has raised my ire.