Category: Basin Reserve issues
Mitigation is a funny word. “mit·i·ga·tion [mit-i-gey-shuhn] noun 1. the act of mitigating, or lessening the force or intensity of something unpleasant, as wrath, pain, grief, or extreme circumstances: Social support is the most important factor in the mitigation of stress among adolescents. 2. the act of making a condition or consequence less severe: the…
Memorial Parkway
As slow as government departments move, when they really want to move fast, they can. Free from all the hassle and moans and gripes of legitimate public concern, such as the Resource Consent process, the Building Consent process, an Archaeological dig etc, in order to get the Memorial Park complete by April 2015, a new…
Dealing with Wgtn traffic on a wing and a prayer
I’ve been re-thinking. What if, concerning the whole Basin/Option X thing, we went right back to the fundamentals of the situation and began from there? Forget flyovers and tunnels, Options A, B, X, X+, and KY(!); forget Sussex Street, Memorial Park, and even the Basin itself. What are the fundamental issues?
Basin voting
Well, the Council have voted on the city’s official position with respect to central government’s proposed traffic improvements near the Basin Reserve.
Local insight toward a refined proposal
So says Rod James, of the 1900 or so submissions received by NZTA on their recently closed public consultation on the preferred options for roading improvements near the Basin Reserve
It actually could be worse
I just discovered this, and thought I’d share it with you all, as it is a topical image for today – the last day of submissions on NZTA’s proposals for transport improvements near the basin Reserve.
Vote X
The Friday 26 August deadline for submissions to NZTA regarding the Wellington inner-city transport projects is getting closer.
Option X: FAQs
Thanks again for all your questions. We’ll up date this page to address questions as they come in, and supply new drawings etc. to explain things as needed. Here’s an initial batch of questions and answers to start with. PUBLIC TRANSPORT The dedicated public transport lanes (buses or light rail) are in the middle…
Option X: plus
Thanks for all the comments so far. Here are a couple more images which might answer some questions and may create some more. The first image is looking from the North-east side towards the Carillon, which shows conceptually how the levels work. This corner will need more design (obviously) especially regarding the structures underneath, but…
It’s just not cricket
Being keen on cricket I was shocked and amazed to see the article in this morning’s DomPost featuring, if the story is correct, a piece of horse-trading going on between the NZTA and the Basin Reserve Trust. The story raises a number of rather obvious, questions: Is the idea of an overpass so detestable to…