City Barriers

Timber posts with nautical rope strung between them are being proposed for segments of the Manners Mall in Wellington, in an effort to stop people crossing the road ‘illegally’. The proposal is by a WCC Councilor, Leonie Gill, who appears shocked and horrified that Wellingtonians have such a care-free attitude to crossing the road. Several people have been knocked down by buses since the former pedestrian mall was converted to a narrow 2-way bus lane, although most of them have been outside the former mall, not inside. She thinks that barriers are the answer. Is this a good idea?

Commenters on stuff’s online blog so far seem equally split, either totally for, or totally against the proposal. Council officers have advised against the proposal, but Councilor Gill seems determined to push the trial period to go ahead. There would seem to be a bit of research needed before such a thing proceeds – do barriers work, are rope barriers a worthwhile form of barrier, and of course – what do other cities do? On of the first things that needs to be examined is whether the traffic numbers actually justify the need for any sort of barrier. Is Manners Mall heavily trafficked with pedestrians? What about buses – are there a lot or just a little?

Wellington’s Golden Mile is busy – very busy. The busiest stretch of footpath in the country, in fact, beating out Auckland’s Queen St by a reasonable margin. Lambton Quay gets around 3000 pedestrians per hour, while Manners St gets about 2500 p/hr, presumably only at peak rush-hour times. But how does it compare to other urban areas? Let’s look at Oxford St in London.

Oxford St, one of Europe’s busiest streets (Britain is a nation of shopkeepers after all…), has a pedestrian flow of 263,720 per week, in 2002, as noted in a 2008 shopping health study. That’ a massive amount, but it peaks even higher in Christmas: way, way higher in fact, when it apparently gets around 6 million visitors per week. It’s difficult to pit peds/hr against peds/week, but Oxford St averages out at 1569 p/hr – for 24 hours a day! or a more realistic 3140 p/hr for 12 hours a day. I think we can agree therefore that their peak hour numbers will be greater than Wellington’s.

So what have they done there to stop people walking into the street? Actually, surprisingly, they have just taken a leaf out of NZ’s book, and introduced the ‘barn-dance’ crossing made famous by Auckland, and have also removed all the barriers formerly at the edge of the road. Yes, Removed them.

This urban design website in Brazil noted about London’s Oxford Circus, that:
“Contrary to popular opinion – that taking away the usual “safety features” would create a dangerous pedestrian environment – traffic accidents on this crossroad have decreased by approx 40% since it was completed. Pedestrian congestion has improved dramatically. Being able to cross diagonally makes it much more efficient for pedestrians, an improvement of 70% has is estimated.”

Here it is before:

And here it is now, with all those barriers removed:

And with those buses passing through:

Not a problem really, is it?


4 responses to “City Barriers”

  1. So, have you any info on how many people get killed by buses there? Their buses appear bigger: certainly taller, and so heavier, and the road lanes seem VERY narrow. If no one gets killed there, what does that tell us? That Wellingtonians are more stupid than Londoners?

  2. When I went to Tokyo last year – people waited to cross the road in accordance with the crossing signs, even if the road was empty and narrow.

    Hence when I see the way people cross Willis / Lambton quay – its just a sign of the times of how NZ has changed. People especially under mid 30’s seem to expect to do their own thing and are not considerate of anyone else and the expect others such as driver or nanny state to lookout for them.

    It was interesting last year the Dom Post published a picture of pedestrian accident sites. they were concentrated around intersections rather than in the middle of roads. what this means I am not sure.

  3. Im not surprised that the accident rate has dropped in London, when the barriers were there pedestrians often climbed/jumped over them in order to cross the street. Installing a trip wire system in Manners st will no doubt increase the number of accidents. Aside from that concern the real issue is if this measure works because then the traffic planners will have proof that all roads should be fenced off from pedestrians so that motor vehicles can move safely, next is the cordoned off bike lane ohh and dont forget that we need to put 5m high fences around every waterway in the country as well because of the chance of drowning…..

  4. what about introducing a national ID card that you must wear on a headband.

    then all you need do is modify the councils mobile parking camera car to photograph J-walkers and then it could send infringement fines via post.

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