Video of the Week XLII – Besti Flokkurinn

OK, so this one is doing the rounds at the moment, so pretty much old news, and it’s not really about architecture and design either – but just so funny, especially given that they are a ‘real’ party, who actually contested the recent Reykjavik City Council elections, and won 6 of the 15 seats.

They campaigned for, among other things, free towels at all public pools, a new polar bear for Reykjavik’s Zoo, and a drug-free parliament by 2020…

“We can promise more than the others, because we will in no way keep these promises,’ Gnarr said. “Nobody needs to be frightened of the Best Party because it’s the best. And we only want what is best — if we didn’t, we’d be called the Worst Party or the Bad Party.”

Here’s the campaign video…

Those crazy Icelanders.

When are the next WCC elections…?


2 responses to “Video of the Week XLII – Besti Flokkurinn”

  1. critter Avatar


    McGillycuddy serious party of the north.

  2. Love it, love it – why can’t our politicians be this interesting? I challenge the “Vibrant Wellington” party to come up with something this vibrant and captivating…

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