Wellington’s Architectural Centre are initiating a combined New Zealand Building Industry response to last week’s devastating tsunami that affected Samoa and Tonga. We will be seeking NZ based, pan-building industry help at both personal and company levels. This is in line with the work done in assisting those affected by the Sri Lankan Tsunami a few years back.
As some background, this team will be built up so that it can provide everything needed to help rebuild parts of the area that initial and on-going governmental aid relief will not cover. The team will consist of architects and planners (able to act on or off site), students (giving their time and physical assistance), contractors, subcontractors, building material suppliers, shipping companies etc.
We aim to provide a start to finish operation as best we can, in close liaison with those that need it and in a way that places minimum strain on local resource. We are slowly getting in touch with specialists and agencies on the ground, politicians, aid agencies, media etc so as to make sure our efforts are wanted and targeted. This is not emergency aid but the kind that helps communities re-build and flourish.
We are, of course, appreciative of the hard times ahead for the building industry and architects and therefore know that not everyone we ask to get involved, will be able to. It would be great if a few of our larger firms could commit some of their time or staff to getting in behind this.
Anyone interested in assisting can get in touch with us via
via the Arch Centre website email arch @ architecture.org.nz or contact
Dennis Chippendale dchippindale @ stephensonturner.com or
Guy Marriage guy.marriage @ vuw.ac.nz or
Christine McCarthy Christine.McCarthy @ vuw.ac.nz
This post will get updated as offers come in.
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