Last Thursday (23rd July 2009) saw the end of an era as Bill Alington had his official farewell from teaching at the School of Architecture at Victoria University …
… Bill has been at the VUW school since before it began in 1975 – being one of those who advised the new Head of School, Gerd Block, on new staff and on the teaching curriculum. Not content with just being a good architect, he has also taught construction, design, and architectural history in the 34 years since.
As you can see the event was a grand old affair, reminiscent of the 1930s in New York, an image no doubt etched on Alington’s memory as a 2 year old … Everyone who was someone was there. Speeches from the predictable (the Dean) were had, and more spontaneous ones proliferated from the likes of Russell Walden, Peter Wood, John Gray, Nigel Isaacs, Russell Walden, John Gray’s cell phone … everyone had something to say in recognition of Bill’s contribution to the school.
Yes this is the passing of an era – but a slow and gradual one – as I understand it. Bill – yet to understand what retirement might mean- is taking a class through the Met Office this afternoon …
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