Transport Priorities

Kerry Williamson today revealed in the Dom Post the regional councils transport priorities.

That is to say those which they are petitioning the Government for assistance with.

The top Items, with budgets, are as follows:


Western Link Road stage 1 (Waikanae to Paraparaumu), $82 million.

State Highway 1 Basin Reserve upgrade and bus lanes improvement, $37 million.

Rail network improvements (including seven more trains, double-tracking, signalling and track upgrades), $177 million.

Western Link Road stage 3 (Paraparaumu to Raumati), $41 million.

SH2 Melling Interchange and Melling Bridge, $51 million.

Paraparaumu and Waikanae station upgrades, $15 million.

McKays Crossing to Paekakariki median barrier, $5 million.

SH2 Moonshine to Silverstream median barrier, $6 million


It’s good to see that there are a number of initiatives that relate to public transport but since when did the Basin Reserve fly-over become a done deal?

If that is the case then why don’t the council ask for the money for the second Mt Vic tunnel at the same time? At least that would demonstrate that they have a strategy for transport in that area.

Then again maybe we should wait until the Indoor Sports Centre is built on Cobham Drive and see if it results in any additional traffic using the existing Mt Vic tunnel.


8 responses to “Transport Priorities”

  1. Is it worth setting up a poll on these? or have a missed an existing one on the council website? I’m really concerned about the fly-over – and surprised the cricketers aren’t out on strike over it.

  2. Cricketers have already said (as far as I can recall), that they would build a stadium behind it – so no real issues from their camp… (I’ll have to try to find a link for that)

  3. Yeah – with John Morrison a sportster and a pro-development councillor, you’d expect some kind of syncronicity!

  4. ahem – synchronicity…

  5. Does “State Highway 1 Basin Reserve upgrade and bus lanes improvement, $37 million.” automatically imply the flyover? (rather than an alternative upgrade?)

  6. i like how the rail network improvements are all bundled together so look like a massive investment, while all the road network ones are separated out and look more palatable in comparison.

  7. Helen – here’s where to start your own WCC e-petition, it might be worth a shot… the save our green recycling bin petition has certainly gathered some fairly quick momentum…

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