Redesign L.A. – or it’s transport

Feeling a little short of work at the moment? Like to have a try at solving the transport woes of one of the world’s most snarled up, congested cities? Hear those voices calling you from on high? No, its not Christmas carols coming super early for ’09: The City of the Angels is calling for you.

Sci-Arc in Los Angeles (if you can solve this, then Wellington will be a cinch) is staging a competition to provide innovative transport solutions that “move beyond the outmoded divisions between transportation and urban design”. The size of the project may be a little out of the ordinary from your average working package though – the programme is in the region of $40k. No, wait, $40m. No, No, No, it’s a cool $40b we’re talking about – yes, that’s a whole load of dosh that big daddy Obama has promised to those Angelenos, and so even if you’re used to putting fee bids in at really low rates: even 1% of those numbers will keep you in cookies and cream for a fair deal before you clock the end of this one. Those numbers are just screaming out for a joint venture with your friendly US affiliate architect and urban planner, aren’t they?

Now before you go getting all too excited, no, this is not an actual competition for $40 billion worth of work, but this is an ideas competition, and there’s a $25 entry fee. Not $25 b. Just $25 US. But anyway. I digress. Still: worth checking out. And its a competition, so anyone can enter. And, its only just opened, so you can start RIGHT NOW! The deadline is the 13th March. You have one month. And the thing you really want to know – where to find out about all this? You can start by clicking right here. Just tell them we sent you. And don’t say we never give you anything for nothing. Good luck! And – Let’s be careful out there....


One response to “Redesign L.A. – or it’s transport”

  1. talking of the Obama $ have you seen Michael Sorkin’s open letter to Obama “Some suggestions on how to spend $800 billion.”
    I think the Arch Centre should write a similar one to Mr. Key. What do you think? Worth it’s own blog at least?

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