Having taken the Cricket World Cup, the World Netball Championships, and enough Olympic Gold to put a serious offer on the South Island, the Aussies look like a good bet to take out the WAN House of the Year 2008 as well. The ‘long list‘ of 30 contains entries from Argentina to Latvia, but the country that comfortably has the highest number of entries is our very dear neighbour Australia.
[Click on this image to view the long list…]
I’m not sure how prestigious the award actually is, but hell, it’s gotta look good on the firm’s CV (especially given how easily our national awards are given out these days…). I suspect that, seeing how the long-listed finalists are as interchangeable as any contemporary architectural designed house here (shattering any notions of regionalism), that NZ firms would have stood a reasonable chance of being selected for the long list had appropriate entries been submitted. So, get in there next year…
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