Local insight toward a refined proposal

So says Rod James, of the 1900 or so submissions received by NZTA on their recently closed public consultation on the preferred options for roading improvements near the Basin Reserve. his exact words are:

We are grateful to Wellingtonian’s for taking the time to review our proposals… This will provide us with valuable additional knowledge and local insight to guide us towards a refined proposal.

With language like that [our proposals/refined proposal], it may sound like a foregone conclusion, but we note that NZTA consultants did appear to take our Option X with some seriousness. We hope that translates into something a bit more concrete further down the road (no puns intended)…

We look forward to the report summarising the feedback, which will be released early next year. We will, of course, keep you informed – both in blog posts here, and with updates to the Basin page as more info comes to hand…


PS – Note the Option X reference included in this week’s Jitterati on page 4 of the Capital Times (I’ll post a link when it becomes available online)…


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