Tag: UK

  • The Carbuncle Cup

    In all of the current hoohaa surrounding Prince Charles’s latest intervention in the UK architectural scene, we can at least acknowledge his contribution to the field with his (in)famous descriptor “monstrous carbuncle”, with which he originally described the proposed Sainsbury Wing extension to London’s National Gallery (Prince Charles’s opposition led to the dropping of the…

  • Architecture & Contingency

    Straw House by Sarah Wigglesworth and Jeremy Till. Jeremy Till claims in his new book that architecture exists in a bubble and ignores the way people really live. Follow the link to listen to a BBC interview where Till discusses with Laurie Taylor how architecture engages – or fails to engage – with the society for which it…

  • Architect job losses soar as crunch hits construction

    Architects are joining the ranks of benefit claimants at a faster rate than any other profession, according to a Guardian analysis of figures for the last 12 months…. full article here Scary stuff for our UK colleagues – I am sure many of us know people affected by this crisis…? Any live reports from the frontbreadline? …

  • The Flickr Travelogues – architectural eye-candy from the Jubilee Line Extension (London) Pt1

    One of my favourite architectural memories from my time living in London was stumbling across the architecture of the Jubilee Line Extension (JLE) of the London Underground system – there is nothing quite like having an architectural experience without any form of warning whatsoever. Visiting the well-photographed Barcelona Pavilion, for example, had no such sharp edge…