Tag: National Radio

  • Zero waste: does fashion eclipse architecture for innovation?

    Last Saturday’s “This Way Up” on National Radio profiled the current exhibition at the Dowse.  The idea of zero waste in fashion, it appears from the interview, is not just a simple pragmatic one – but has had positive effects for innovatively rethinking fashion more conceptually.  The exhibition “Yield: making Fashion without Making Waste” is…

  • Fashion offensives

    Architecture has historically had a difficult relationship with fashion, and, despite the challenges of the Urbis generation, it continues to perpetrate an image of consistent fundamentals, along with its younger siblings: Urban Design and Town Planning.

  • Ian Athfield on National Radio

    On Sunday 1st of March, Chris Laidlaw interviewed Athfield about ‘the role of architecture in our society and on our environment.’ The Podcast can be accessed from here.

  • Hurrah for National Radio

    Yes I know we’re all meant to say “Radio NZ: National” but National Radio rolls off the tongue so much easier. Anyway this weekend has had a number of interviews etc. which will be of interest to members. On Saturday Kim Hill interviewed Reid Ewing, Professor of City and Metropolitian Planning at the University of…