Tag: light rail

  • So what are NZTA’s option now?

    The recent High Court decision (NZTA v Architectural Centre Inc & Ors) appears to have put an end to the flyover in the short term … but what are NZTA’s options now for the Basin Reserve? 1. Seek leave to the Supreme Court to appeal the High Court decision Following the High Court decision (21…

  • Light Rail could be Cheap as Chips!

    Following stunning news today from the GWRC study into the cost of a possible Light Rail system in Wellington – results have come back that the cost COULD be as LOW as $14m per km. By anybody’s books, that is fantastic news – and means that costs are indeed well within reach of a Council…

  • SuperLink – Transport 2000

    We’ve recently been given a copy of the SuperLink proposal by Transport 2000, which was a well thought-out proposal for Light Rail transport in Wellington. All rights are reserved to the original authors : Daryl Cockburn, Brent Efford, & Kerry Wood for Transport 2000, and the Inter-Professional Group. We are very grateful for the chance…

  • Postcard from New York

    Tonight, coming at you Live and Direct from New York City, the greatest city in the World…  Yes, there are other great cities apart from Wellington, and it’s interesting to compare how the original Gotham city stacks up to our own mini-Manhatten.