Tag: Gerald Melling

  • Tsunami Box

    On Friday 26 March, the Architectural Centre and the Wellington branch of the NZIA is delighted to launch the latest book from Gerald Melling, Tsunami Box. poster Tsunami box tells the story of an architectural journey into the heady tropics of emergency housing in Sri Lanka, following the Asian tsunami of 2004. With tenacious commitment,…

  • Gerald Melling: Book Launch

    Launch of Gerald Melling’s new book, on the Architecture of Disaster. Personal experiences from the 2006 Aceh tsunami and the attempts to rebuild. 5.30 drinks, 6.00 talk, LT1 School of Architecture

  • The indefatigable Mr. Walker

    Yes, brought to you by Home NZ and us – following fast on the footsteps of Sharon Jansen – is Roger Walker, architect, Ferrari owner, and tv showman, coming to a Cafe L’Affare near you.