Category: RANTING

  • Riding on Air

    I’ve never understood why so many buses are air-conditioned, especially in this rather temperate country of ours. The commuter buses it seems a no brainer – openable windows and customers dressed for outside conditions must be a winning formula. On long trips – there’s nothing quite as pleasant as sitting next to an open window…

  • Building with a zero height: Great idea or Waterfront Ridiculous-ness?

    Early December 2008 the Wellington City Council examined draft documents for Variation 11 (the long title being: District Plan Variation 11: Amendments to Proposed District Plan Change 48 (Central Area Review) – Wellington Waterfront.) The relevant documents are: Report 1, Appendix 1, The Section 32 Report, and Attachment 1 At the time of the meeting…

  • WCC heritage grants

    You may have seen the current issue of City Life (13-19 Jan 08). Page 3 presents some ideas the council has regarding saving money given the “credit crunch.” At the top of the third column is “Ending the heritage grants scheme for building owners.” My understanding is that this is one of the few pots…

  • Ranting Space

    ranting noun a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion