Public Talk – Solar Decathlon – School of Architecture LT1
Four graduate architecture students from Victoria University have undertaken the biggest challenge of their careers, and present the starting phases to the public and the profession. The Firstlight House is a solar powered house that will be built in NZ and exported in pieces to the USA to compete in an international competition in 2011.…
Children’s changing worlds: Do our cities work for children?
NORDMEYER LECTURE THEATRE Wellington School of Medicine, 23a Mien St, Newtown, Wellington Seminar relating to the release of forthcoming book (of the same name) by Prof. Claire Freeman and AssProf. Paul J. Tranter. Seminar also stars Barbara Lambourn from Unicef, and Dr. Adrian Field from Synergia, a consultancy who “focus on ‘systemic action’ as part…
Pecha Kucha rocks
# LectureLast night’s Pecha Kucha was just as much fun as the last one – maybe even more so. The line up I have is as per the following, but I think there is one more person missing. Which is a pity, because he was arguably the best…
Video of the Week XXXIX: LIGHT*HOUSE
3XN, UN Studio and Jan Gehl (advisors) waterfront development – “a new urban quarter” – no, not here in Wellington, unfortunately(?), but in Aarhus, Denmark… . . What do you think…?
Pecha Kucha Night
A Pecha Kucha Night is happening on 19 April. Doors open at 6.30 for a 7.30 start. Downstage, 12 Cambridge Terrace, Wellington tickets: $9 // door sales // cash only // come early seats are limited // Starring: Peter Wilson // artistic director // capital e national theatre for children // Fifi Colston //…
Charles Renfro lecture – wednesday 14th april
6pm, Wednesday 14 April Adam Auditorium, City Gallery HOME New Zealand and First Windows & Doors present New York architect Charles Renfro on his first visit to New Zealand. Charles Renfro, of the New York architecture firm Diller, Scofidio + Renfro, is behind some of the world’s most talked-about projects of the moment, including…
Gerald Melling: Book Launch
Launch of Gerald Melling’s new book, on the Architecture of Disaster. Personal experiences from the 2006 Aceh tsunami and the attempts to rebuild. 5.30 drinks, 6.00 talk, LT1 School of Architecture
Built Fabric exhibition opening – 4th March
You are warmly invited to the opening of the next exhibition at Toi Poneke Gallery Built Fabric Mizuho Nishioka & Tane Moleta Thursday 4 March, 5.30pm Built Fabric is an exhibition of two different mediums – photography and architectural drawing. Both artists explore the idea that the constructed, or built, environments exist as representations of our…