1860s Symposium
“Elegance and excesses: War, Gold and Borrowings: architecture in the 1860s” A one day symposium convened by the Centre for Building Performance Research, Victoria University Date: Friday 3rd December 2010 Venue: School of Architecture, Victoria University, Wellington Convener: Christine McCarthy Symposium fee: The cost of the symposium (including proceedings) will be $60, to be collected…
Book Launch – 4 Architects
One of the more eagerly awaited book launches of the year – on four very distinguished Wellington Architects: Bill Toomath, James Beard, Derek Wilson, and Bill Alington. Organised by the NZIA, this book launch ties in with the culmination of the Graphisoft Student Architecture awards being held on 2nd December at the School of Architecture,…
NZIOB Debate
The NZ Institute of Building, annual Christmas Debate. School of Architecture, VUW i think !
Historic Places Trust – Hunter Building
Morning long discussion at Vic Uni’s old Hunter Building, from 9am till 3.30 pm, discussing issues to do with Earthquakes, Heritage, and the two of them together. We know its coming : people get ready !
NZ Wood – Sustainable Futures – Te Papa
All morning at Te Papa – an NZIA Special lecture on Sustainability, about designing for a sustainable future. 9am till 1.30pm
Christchurch Earthquake lecture
Rutherford House, Victoria University, 6pm i think
Pecha Kucha 9
This time at the Overseas Passenger Terminal, in the evening.
Pecha Kucha coming atcha…
# LectureOnce again it is Pecha Kucha time, with an excellent line up of talented / interesting people speaking. If you have a chance, do go along – it sells out quick, but gives your mind a good flossing. Here we go, with the new lineup courtesy of Pitsch: NEXT PECHA KUCHA NIGHT COMING UP SOON!…
Weltec BDes – Going out with a BANG
After 20 successful years, Wellington’s original Bachelor of Design (Interior Design) program, delivered first through CIT and more recently Weltec, is rolling up. The 2010 graduating year of students would love for members of the Wellington Architectural Centre to come and celebrate their “Practical Completion” with an exhibition @ 39 Dixon Street. Opening on Friday…