Open Whanganui

In (unofficial) conjunction with Here’s Open Home Whanganui event – September 28 – the Center will be opening a few more doors for Centre members.

The Here programme will visit the Dog Box (2013 – Ben Mitchell-Anyon, Sally Ogle, Caro Robertson and Tim Gittos)…

… and the Payne House (1960s, Michael Payne).

The Here event requires booking – $25.

The Centre will be visiting the Gonville Pool House (2023, Patchwork Architects)…

… home to the Gonville Urban Research Centre.

We will also curate a public transport and walking tour from Gonville to the Here Open Home sites, with stops at select cafes, shops and wine venues of Whanganui Town, and a stop at the soon to be opened Sarjent Gallery.

Please RSVP to let us know who to expect. The Centre event is free – though koha would be accepted (especially for GURC) – or you could renew your membership. The schedule will be sent out to RSVP emails before the weekend.


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