Jason Whitely

Wed 14 March 2012 Jason Whiteley on Herzog & de Meuron
6pm, LT1, School of Architecture, VUW

The lecture will describe Whiteley’s experience designing and coordinating complex, high-profile buildings in New York, Sao Paulo, London and Doha.

Jason Whiteley on Herzog & de Meuron – Public lecture, 6pm 14 March

Jason Whiteley, after five years based in Switzerland and New York City working with renown architects Herzog & de Meuron, will be speaking on 14 March, 6.00 pm at the School of Architecture Design on Vivian Street in Wellington, LT1.

Jason’s public talk will describe his experience designing and coordinating complex, high-profile buildings in New York, Sao Paulo, London and Doha. He will also share insights into the studio culture and methods that continue to fuel one of the most successful and highly regarded architecture practices in the world, observing that;

“…the carefully crafted studio culture of Herzog & de Meuron was central to consistently producing the most extraordinary and sensitive architecture in an amazing variety of settings and conditions”.

Jason Whiteley now leads London-based architecture and furniture design studio Whiteley & Whiteley and is Victoria University of Wellington’s Adjunct-Professor at the School of Architecture & Design. He will visit New Zealand in July and November 2012 as guest critic and design tutor. For more information about Jason and his work, please visit www.whiteleywhiteley.co.uk.


Please contact Naohiro Mizushima at +44 7776 134 791 or email Naohiro at press@whiteleywhiteley.co.uk for more information on this topic.

This is a free event and open to all who wish to attend on a first come, first served basis.


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