According to Warren Buffet, a public opinion poll is no substitute for thought. Therefore, I think that the results of the Capital Times Reader’s Poll are pretty encouraging for the Architectural Centre’s Option X scheme for the Basin Reserve:
Would you prefer ‘Option X’ for the Basin Reserve flyover, even though it would cost more than the NZTA plans?
- Answer A: Yes (87%)
- Answer B: No (11%)
- Answer C: Don’t care (2%)
That we don’t know how many people have voted is, of course, something of an issue – it could be as few as 41 (by my math – which is probably suspect). Even so, and despite the skew that might be expected from the audience of that esteemed local paper, public meetings and other feedback have shown that there is growing support for the Architectural Centre’s scheme.
According to the DominionPost (an only slightly more authoritative rag), over a thousand people have made submissions on NZTA’s Wellington transportation ‘improvements’. We’re hoping that this includes many of you out there who have indicated a preference for Option X – or any other scheme that offers a better outcome than the Clayton’s Choice put forward by NZTA.
If not, you’ve got until Friday to do so…. (go here to find out how, or, if you prefer, take advantage of our handy ‘Option X’ submission form here).
PS, and for what it’s worth, the Capital Times Reader’s Polls results echo earlier poll results for relevant Basin Reserve-related issues:
Does Wellington Need a Basin Reserve Flyover: Yes 22%, No 70%, Don’t Care 8%
The Architectural Centre believes cars have little future in Wellington city and by 2040 cycle lanes and green spaces will replace car parks. Is this your vision?: Yes 90%, No 8%, Don’t Care 3%
Danish urban designer Jan Gehl, employed by the Wellington City Council to look at ways to improve the city, says investment in light rail needs to take precedence over roading infrastructure. Do you agree?: Yes 77%, No 18%, Don’t Care 5%
Should the NZ Transport Agency go back to the drawing board over Wellington’s roading options?: Yes 90%, No 6%, Don’t Care 4%
The Architects Centre’s alternative plan for the Basin Reserve does not include a flyover. Should the NZ Transport Agency be made to consider the new plan before opting for the current choice between two flyovers?: Yes 90%, No 8%, Don’t Care 3%
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