Basin Reserve proposals “now two”

The front page of the Dominion Post recently announced that there are now just two possible options being worked on by the NZTA, regarding possible routes that the proposed Basin Reserve bypass could take. Both of these options have been proposed before – so there is nothing much new here – and as yet, the NZTA have still not picked up on the roading proposal by the Architectural Centre, which offers a distinctive and substantive difference in planning and design.
Click here to take you direct to our proposal.

We think it is worth exploring. What do you think?


2 responses to “Basin Reserve proposals “now two””

  1. the ant Avatar
    the ant

    I think it is a hell of an improvement on the flyover solution! Adding green space and pedestrian space and hiding the traffic has got to have huge positive spin-offs for the Basin Reserve precinct in all sorts of ways!

  2. We aim to please. There is a current stalemate situation – where some people want more roads, and some people want No more roads. This proposal aims to keep both happy – the money spent on roads would substantially improve the flow of traffic, and yet the city also gets a lot more usable pedestrian and cycle flow through the park / basin. This really is a win / win situation, we believe.

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