How was the event last night for you?


2 responses to “Ban Fun”

  1. The combined Leaman – McBride Ryan – Shigeru Ban event last night seemed to go down rather well for the architectural population of Wellington last night. Huge interest from over 500 people in the Ban lecture meant that we had to turn away over 200 people, but the remaining 300 seemed to really enjoy both the assorted colourful and complexly convoluted talents of McBride and Ryan, while Mr Ban and his lexicon of papertube technology certainly seemed to blow everyone away. Many thanks to Christine McCarthy, Tane Moleta, Trudy Pilkington for the organisation of the Wellington events, and of course massive thanks to Dulux who provided the MCR drinks and nibbles. Who do you want to see on next?

  2. I’ve only been in this whole architecture world for a very short period of time but I’ve already seen a lot of people complaining and with rather negative attitudes to, well pretty much everything that doesn’t go along their “higher” architectural tastes. It was really inspirational to see someone like Shigeru Ban, humble, funny yet great, reminding us that we can do so much good by being more engaged and that we don’t need to wait to engage. We just need to take some initiative and run with it like some crazy paper-tube samurai 🙂

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