Wednesday 16th September – Architecture Day

We haven’t got a whole week of events for you this year, but we do have 3 events all on one day, so we reckon that’ll do just as well. All events will be held in Rutherford House in the Pipitea campus – starting at 4.00pm with Adrian Leaman, continuing at 5.30 with McBride Charles Ryan, and then finishing up at 6.30 pm with Japanese superstar architect cardboad guru Shigeru Ban.

You will need to book. Don’t miss out. Tickets going fast.


One response to “Wednesday 16th September – Architecture Day”

  1. Sold Out ! I’m reliably informed that The dual McBride Ryan / Shigeru Ban lecture has now sold out. (Well, seats were free, but they’ve still all gone). I think there may be a few left for the Leaman talk, but they’re going fast as well.

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