Tag: video

  • Video of the Week III: Pimp My Model

    For those of us that remember our student days, or who still require the services of ‘X-Acto’ today, here’s a idea to help give that extra ‘bling’ to your design… Here’s the link to the youtube page if the above video misbehaves… It’s easy to see how the Harvard University Graduate School of Design gets such a prestigious reputation.…

  • Video of the Week II: Sony building melody step (some secret commands)

    Who’d a thought getting from one level of a building top the next could be so much fun: these are the melody stairs from the Sony Building in Tokyo. Here’s a way to encourage more physical activity and less lift usage – just don’t put my office anywhere near the staircase. And apparently, you get…

  • Video of the Week I: Architecture stripped bare

    (Warning – this clip features artistic and architectural nudity…) You know you’re in trouble when the opening and closing lines of a short architecture-related video are thus:  “What happens if you ask architects to let rip… …Really, architects are at their best when they’re fully dressed [muffled snigger], very serious, and just a little bit…