Tag: buses

  • Option X: plus

    Thanks for all the comments so far.  Here are a couple more images which might answer some questions and may create some more.  The first image is looking from the North-east side towards the Carillon, which shows conceptually how the levels work.  This corner will need more design (obviously) especially regarding the structures underneath, but…

  • Looking out for us … all

    Sitting in Mojo’s in Dunedin last weekend, sheltering from wind and rain, a chance glance at the ceiling revealed the ominous black perspex globe hiding a security camera.

  • Riding on Air

    I’ve never understood why so many buses are air-conditioned, especially in this rather temperate country of ours. The commuter buses it seems a no brainer – openable windows and customers dressed for outside conditions must be a winning formula. On long trips – there’s nothing quite as pleasant as sitting next to an open window…