Author: Paul Harvey
Position Statement: The Architectural Centre
# HOUSINGPhoto above: Mr and Mrs W. Shaw and son Nicholas, first tenants in the Gordon Wilson state flats on The Terrace, Wellington. Evening post (Newspaper. 1865-2002) :Photographic negatives and prints of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: EP/1959/1911-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23503306 Decision from the Minister for Housing, Chris Bishop: The Architectural Centre’s Position…
Adapted reuse scheme for Gordon Wilson Memorial Apartments
Refer below to open letter authored by The Architectural Centre addressed to Minister for Housing. We provide a robust, contemporary rationale for the retention and refurbishment of 320 The Terrace, also known as the Gordon Wilson Memorial Apartments (GWMA): Tēnā koe Hon. Chris Bishop, An open letter – 320 The Terrace (Gordon Wilson Memorial Apartments)…