James Shaw and Squint Opera

Our apologies: this event has been cancelled. We hope to be able to reschedule it for another time in the future.  This Thursday 29th January: a coming event that I’m sure you’ll be keen to come along to.  James Shaw, formerly of Wellington and now working with Squint Opera in London, is in town long enough for us to convince him to give a talk. The work he has been doing with Squint is fantastic, especially on the evocation of a drowned London – well worth a look. Venue to be confirmed.

London under water
London under water


4 responses to “James Shaw and Squint Opera”

  1. james, oii.. take a break and get married 🙂

  2. that was yesterday i think. You coming along on Thursday?

  3. fantastic image, where shall this presentation be taking place!!

  4. School of Architecture – 6pm

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