Architects Draw: Charity Auction

APTOPIX Britain Auction

Architects are historically renowned for drawing, so the idea of a charity auction of architects’ drawings as a fundraiser for our participation in the High Court Appeal over the Basin Bridge Board of Inquiry Decision is a natural one. But we’re aiming for it to be a bit bigger than drawings and architects, with an auction which represents the broader arts community of Wellington (and New Zealand).


***The auction catalogue is just out.  You can find it here.

So far the following architects, artists, designers, poets, etc. will be contributing drawings, photography, manuscripts of various sorts:

Bill Alington
Jim Beard
George Baird
Linda and Bob Burgess
Dennis Chippindale
Fiona Christeller
Chris Cochran
Daryl Cockburn
Giorgio D’ausilio
Paul Diamond
Rosalind Derby
Michael Dudding
Jesse Ewart
James Fenton
Angela Foster
John Gray
Duncan Harding
Jeremy Hansen
Angus Hodgson
Gina Jones, Accent architects
Margaret Julian, Margaret Julian Architecture
Judi Keith-Brown, Judi Keith-Brown architect limited
Chris Kelly, Architecture Workshop
Kate Linzey
Douglas lloyd Jenkins
Christine McCarthy
Pippy McCurdy
Guy Marriage
Michael Melville
Tane Moleta
Chris Moller
Cathryn Monro
Nhut Nguyen
Mizuho Nishioka
Tomek Piatek
Patrick Reynolds
Richard Reddaway
Daniel Rose
Peter Rumbles
Kate Small
Mark Southcombe
Michael Strack
David Trubridge
Simon Twose, Simon Twose Architect Ltd
Brenda & Robert Vale
Roger Walker, Walker Architecture & Design
Gus Watt
Ian Wedde
Peter Wells
Victoria Willocks
Peter Wood
Alan Wylde

The auction will be held on Wednesday 3rd December, 7.30pm at St Joseph’s Church, 42 Ellice St (opposite the Basin Reserve).


If you’d like to donate a drawing, sculpture, painting etc. to be sold at the auction, please let us know by emailing, or post it to Architectural Centre, P.O. Box 24-178, Manners Street, Wellington (with a contact email etc.), or you can deliver it to Cranko Architects, 81 Harbour View Road, Northland, Wellington (the office is usually open 8am-6pm), and ask for Kerry.  Please include your name and email attached somehow.  All donations hugely appreciated.


One response to “Architects Draw: Charity Auction”

  1. Balthazar Beatty Avatar
    Balthazar Beatty

    I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on an original Hugh Ferriss. Reckon you could find one of those?

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